Donegal Church Leaders Support 8th Amendment


A group of 26 Protestant evangelical church leaders in Donegal have called for retention of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. In a statement they said that “as a group of leaders and church workers from a variety of Christian churches in Donegal we believe that we have a moral and biblical duty to uphold God’s standards and to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.


“As leaders in our churches we are to lead by example in calling others to do likewise. We hold that all human life is precious.”


They said, “As a nation our history shows that we have failed mothers and babies. We have created stigma and shame instead of creating an environment of grace and love.


“We need to do better – better at compassion, better at support from conception, better at alternatives like adoption. But our past failings do not give us the right to determine who should be born and who should not.”


They urged “our churches’ members and our fellow citizens to resist this misguided call to repeal the Eighth Amendment”.


Signatories include Church of Ireland, Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist clergy as well as ministers of smaller Christian denominations.

The Irish Times. April 3.

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