Family & Life holding nationwide meetings and webinars


Family & Life have been holding a host of public meetings around the country focusing on the dangers children will be exposed to in the Minister Norma Foley’s new SPHE programme and what parents should be worried about. We will talk about the rights parents have and what they can positively do about the matter. Numerous concerned parents, grandparents and citizens are worried and angry at the way the Department of Education is treating school children in this revised programme.

If you would like us to organise a meeting in your nearest town or city don't hesitate to get in touch. You can email us on or phone us on (01)8552790


Meetings are a great tool towards getting together with people of similar values towards offering a local focus towards a campaign. 


For example Family & Life held meetings around the country in the leadup to the two recent referenda on the family. The government parties put together referendum proposals with very ambiguous wording that some of the best legal minds in the country warned against. Family & Life arranged speakers for both public meetings and webinars to inform the public of the dangers of passing such referenda. So many people organised their own information sessions following this and even leafletted and canvassed. 


The referenda results were overwhelmingly rejected by the people so we must never underestimate the importance of local meetings and webinar/zoom meetings.


Numerous concerned parents, grandparents and citizens are worried and angry at the way the Department of Education is treating school children in this revised programme. Please make every effort to come and alert other like minded parents of our upcoming event. 


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