Polls Show Fall in Repeal Support


Support for repealing the 8th Amendment has dropped according to two new opinion polls. Both polls also show significant opposition to the government’s plans for abortion on demand up to 12 weeks.


A poll by Kantar Millward Brown for the Sunday Independent found that 44 per cent of respondents were opposed to abortion on demand, compared to 28 per cent in favour. When asked specifically about the government’s plan for abortion on demand up to 12 weeks, 40 per cent of respondents said it was about right. 8 per cent said it didn’t go far enough. 33 per cent said it went too far and a sizeable 19 per cent were undecided.


A second poll, by Behaviour and Attitudes for The Sunday Times, produced similar results. It found that 49 per cent support repeal of the 8th Amendment, with 30 per cent opposed. Specifically, on the 12-week abortion on demand proposal, 43 per cent were in favour (down from 51 per cent), with 35 per cent opposed (up from 27 per cent). Of those who answered “don’t know” to the question whether they would vote to repeal the Amendment, but expressed an opinion on the 12-week proposal, 2.5 to  1 were opposed.


Family & Life. February 20. Kantar Millward Brown. February 18. Behaviour and Attitudes. February 18.

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