
Social Media Work Update DEC 2022


Family & Life’s Facebook platforms are the largest in Ireland and growing every day. They are one of…

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Iraqi Christians Attacked And Persecuted


  This video is very distressing to watch, but as you watch it I'm sure you will feel, as I did, that…

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F&L Delegation Welcomed in Washington DC


A Family & Life delegation had the honour of being hosted by America’s top pro-life leaders in…

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Peru Project


Our annual support for Fr Brian and the Sisters in Peru through our St Patrick’s Fund, has enabled…

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Iraqi Christian Project


The forgotten Christians of Iraq are another recipient of your generosity. Driven out by ISIS in 2014,…

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Euthanasia Bill


In July, the so-called Dying with Dignity Bill came to a halt as strong opposition emerged, thanks to…

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Campaign Against Discrimination of the Disabled


Our laws forbid discrimination against other humans because of their race, religion, sex, age and disability.…

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Educate For Life Programme


No pro-life witness is complete without focusing on the young, the citizens of the future. We are continuing…

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Breaking the Consensus


Breaking the Consensus is our monthly public outreach. Each month and on occasion more often, we host…

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NO to DIY Abortion Campaign


The Devil never sleeps, nor do the pro-abortionists. Even as Covid-19 spread across Ireland and caused…

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